柯雅婷 助理教授


專 長
經 歷
專 業 執 照
通過長期照顧專業課程Level ILevel IILevel III
期 刊 論 文
Ya-Ting Ke & Joel F. Stocker (2019) On the Difficulty of Finding One’s Place: A Qualitative Study of New Nurses Processes of Growth in the Workplace, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28:43214331. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14996. Epub 2019 Aug 13. (SCI/SSCI,奇美2016研究計畫-探討護理新進人員成長歷程及留任之質性研究)
鍾焜明、葉正發、王淑慎、郭妍伶、柯雅婷*2018).運用擬真教學提高PGY 病房高級心臟救命術執行度之成效探討.台灣擬真醫學教育期刊,5(2)26-37DOI10.6582/JTSSH.201812_5(2).0003
柯雅婷、郭麗玲、吳貞鋆、黃惠暄、江惠英(2018).以擬真教學法提升新進護理人員輸血反應處置與交班技巧之學習成效探討.台灣擬真醫學教育期刊,5(1)25-34doi:10.6582/JTSSH.201806_5(1).0003 (奇美2018研究計畫-應用高擬真情境模擬訓練法導入二年期護理師訓練計畫)
Ya-Ting Ke, I-Jung Feng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Jhi-Joung Wang, Shih-Bin Su, Chien-ChengHuang, & Hung-Jung Lin, (2018) Nurses have a four-fold risk for overdose of sedatives, hypnotics, and antipsychotics than other healthcare providers in Taiwan. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202004. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202004 (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.776)
Ya-Ting Ke, Hsiu-Chin Chen, Chien-Ho Lin, Wen-Fu Kuo, An-Chi Peng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Chien-ChengHuang, & Hung-Jung Lin, (2017) Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders and resilience in healthcare providers following a disastrous earthquake: an interventional study in Taiwan, BioMed Research International, vol. 2017, Article ID 2981624, 7 pages, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2981624. (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.197)
Ya-Ting Ke, An-Chi Peng, Yi-Min Shu, Min-Hsien Chung,Kang-Ting Tsai, Ping-Jen Chen,Tzu-Chieh Weng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, &Chien-Cheng Huang, (2018) Emergency geriatric assessment: A novel comprehensive screen tool for geriatric patients in the emergency department, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(1), 143-146. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.07.008. Epub 2017 Jul 4. (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:1.651)
Tzu-Chieh, Weng, Ya-Chun, Yang, Ping-Jen, Chen, Wen-Fu, Kuo, Wei-Lin, Wang, Ya-Ting Ke, Chien-Chin, Hsu, Kao-Chang, Lin, Chien-Cheng, Huang, & Hung-Jung, Lin (2017) Implementing a novel model for hospice and palliative care in the emergency department: an experience from a tertiary medical center in Taiwan, Medicine  (Baltimore), 96(19),  (SCI/SSCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.376)Weng, T.-C., Yang, Y.-C., Chen, P.-J., Kuo, W.-F., Wang, W.-L., Ke, Y.-T., … Lin, H.-J. (2017). Implementing a novel model for hospice and palliative care in the emergency department: An experience from a tertiary medical center in Taiwan. Medicine, 96(19), e6943. http://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000006943
Ya-Ting, Ke, Chia-Chi, Kuo, & Chich-Hsiu Hung (2017) The effects of nursing preceptorship on new nurses’ competence and retention: a systematic review, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73:2296–2305. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13317 (SCI/SSCI)
郭文福、柯雅婷*2016).推動登革熱整合照護模式之歷程.護理雜誌,634), 1–5[Kuo, W. F., & Ke, Y. T. (2016). An experience promoting the interdisciplinary care model for dengue fever. The Journal of Nursing, 63(4), 1–5.] doi:10.6224/JN.63.4.1
Ya-Ting, Ke & Chich-Hsiu, Hung (2016) Predictors of Nurses’ Intent to Continue Working at Their Current Hospital Workplace, Nursing Economic$, Accepted at Mar 17 2016 09:01:14 -0500 (CDT)AM (SCI/SSCI,奇美研究計畫-護理人員留任意願與組織氣候之關係)
Ya-Ting, Ke & Chia-Chi, Kuo(2016) Effects of Colloidal Oatmeal Lotion on Symptoms of Dermatologic Toxicities Induced by EGFRIs: A Pilot Study, Advances Skin Wound Care 30(1), 27-34. (SCI/SSCI,奇美研究計畫-運用燕麥乳液改善標靶病人皮膚問題之成效)
施孟綾、柯雅婷、林淑媛(2015) 控制觀之概念分析. 長庚護理26(1)23-28
Ya-Ting, Ke & Min-Tao, Hsu(2015) An Exploration of Nursing Preceptorship and Functions and Nurses’ Intention to Stay from the Perspective of Cultural Differences, Nurse Education Today 35, 597-601。(SSCI,奇美研究計畫-新進護理人員現實休克經驗描述及對留任的影響)
柯雅婷、王秀紅、周汎澔 (2014) •從後現代主義反思新手護理師之留任高雄護理雜誌,31(1)30-38
柯雅婷、楊美賞 (2007) •重症加護病房病患之倫理決策模式•安寧療護,12(2)198-206
其 他 特 殊 表 現
獲 獎 紀 錄
年度 獎別 主辦機構
2019 「臨床能力訓練(OSCE)教案(含影片)」特優獎 台灣擬真醫學教育學會
2019 優秀海報論文佳作 台灣醫事聯合技能發展學會
2019 108年度OSCE優良教案競賽-非醫師職類第三名 台灣醫學教育學會
2019 南部智慧醫療創意競賽-佳作 台灣人工智慧學校
2019 2019「考科藍證據改變我生活之故事」徵文比賽-銀獎 臺北醫學大學考科藍臺灣研究中心(Cochrane Taiwan)
2018 2018 International Conference on Emerging Health Policies and Smart Medical Care – Oral Presentation Award Third Place Kaohsiung Medical University
2018 奇美醫院50週年院慶徵文比賽活動-銅獎(柯雅婷(2018從傷慟苦難展現無比韌性用愛與專業傳承幸福奇美奇美醫訊,(120)27-32) 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院
2018 106年度護理研究成果競賽-佳作 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會
2018 107年度會員在職進修獎學金 社團法人大臺南護理師護士公會
2017 The 2nd Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference-Best Poster Award Taiwan Nurses Association
2017 106年度臨床技能測驗(OSCE)優良教案-第二名 台灣醫學教育學會
2017 創新教學成果發表教學海報-佳作 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院
2017 第十八屆醫療品質獎實證醫學類臨床運用組(知識轉譯組)-佳作 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
2016 台灣實證護理學會第四屆提升照護品質實證競賽主題組-銅獎 台灣實證護理學會  
2016 29屆全國團結圈活動競賽-銀塔獎 全國團結圈推行總會
2016 第十七屆醫療品質獎主題類主題改善菁英組-銅獎 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
2016 大臺南護理師護士公會慶祝國際護師節悲慟中的愛與力量徵文比賽活動-第一名 社團法人大臺南護理師護士公會
2014 2014實證醫學種子師資培訓工作坊組別試教B-第三名 台灣實證醫學學會
2014 9th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium-Best Award Poster Presentation The Joanna Briggs Colloquium
2013 大臺南護理師護士公會慶祝國際護師節老照片、老故事、老朋友徵文比賽活動-第三名 社團法人大臺南護理師護士公會
論 文 發 表
Ya-Ting Ke & Joel F. Stocker (2019) On the Difficulty of Finding One’s Place: A Qualitative Study of New Nurses’ Processes of Growth in the Workplace, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28:4321–4331. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14996. Epub 2019 Aug 13. (SCI/SSCI,奇美2016研究計畫-探討護理新進人員成長歷程及留任之質性研究)
鍾焜明、葉正發、王淑慎、郭妍伶、柯雅婷*2018運用擬真教學提高PGY 病房高級心臟救命術執行度之成效探討.台灣擬真醫學教育期刊,5(2)26-37DOI10.6582/JTSSH.201812_5(2).0003
柯雅婷、郭麗玲、吳貞鋆、黃惠暄、江惠英(2018以擬真教學法提升新進護理人員輸血反應處置與交班技巧之學習成效探討台灣擬真醫學教育期刊,5(1)25-34doi:10.6582/JTSSH.201806_5(1).0003 (奇美2018研究計畫-應用高擬真情境模擬訓練法導入二年期護理師訓練計畫)
Ya-Ting Ke, I-Jung Feng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Jhi-Joung Wang, Shih-Bin Su, Chien-ChengHuang, & Hung-Jung Lin, (2018) Nurses have a four-fold risk for overdose of sedatives, hypnotics, and antipsychotics than other healthcare providers in Taiwan. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202004. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202004 (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.776)
Ya-Ting Ke, Hsiu-Chin Chen, Chien-Ho Lin, Wen-Fu Kuo, An-Chi Peng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Chien-ChengHuang, & Hung-Jung Lin, (2017) Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders and resilience in healthcare providers following a disastrous earthquake: an interventional study in Taiwan, BioMed Research International, vol. 2017, Article ID 2981624, 7 pages, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2981624. (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.197)
Ya-Ting Ke, An-Chi Peng, Yi-Min Shu, Min-Hsien Chung,Kang-Ting Tsai, Ping-Jen Chen,Tzu-Chieh Weng, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, &Chien-Cheng Huang, (2018) Emergency geriatric assessment: A novel comprehensive screen tool for geriatric patients in the emergency department, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(1), 143-146. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.07.008. Epub 2017 Jul 4. (SCI) (2018 Impact Factor:1.651)
Tzu-Chieh, Weng, Ya-Chun, Yang, Ping-Jen, Chen, Wen-Fu, Kuo, Wei-Lin, Wang, Ya-Ting Ke, Chien-Chin, Hsu, Kao-Chang, Lin, Chien-Cheng, Huang, & Hung-Jung, Lin (2017) Implementing a novel model for hospice and palliative care in the emergency department: an experience from a tertiary medical center in Taiwan, Medicine  (Baltimore), 96(19),  (SCI/SSCI) (2018 Impact Factor:2.376) Weng, T.-C., Yang, Y.-C., Chen, P.-J., Kuo, W.-F., Wang, W.-L., Ke, Y.-T., … Lin, H.-J. (2017). Implementing a novel model for hospice and palliative care in the emergency department: An experience from a tertiary medical center in Taiwan. Medicine, 96(19), e6943. http://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000006943
Ya-Ting, Ke, Chia-Chi, Kuo, & Chich-Hsiu Hung (2017) The effects of nursing preceptorship on new nurses’ competence and retention: a systematic review, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73:2296–2305. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13317 (SCI/SSCI)
郭文福、柯雅婷*2016).推動登革熱整合照護模式之歷程.護理雜誌,634), 1–5[Kuo, W. F., & Ke, Y. T. (2016). An experience promoting the interdisciplinary care model for dengue fever. The Journal of Nursing, 63(4), 1–5.] doi:10.6224/JN.63.4.1
Ya-Ting, Ke & Chich-Hsiu, Hung (2016) Predictors of Nurses’ Intent to Continue Working at Their Current Hospital Workplace, Nursing Economic$, Accepted at Mar 17 2016 09:01:14 -0500 (CDT)AM (SCI/SSCI,奇美研究計畫-護理人員留任意願與組織氣候之關係)
Ya-Ting, Ke & Chia-Chi, Kuo(2016) Effects of Colloidal Oatmeal Lotion on Symptoms of Dermatologic Toxicities Induced by EGFRIs: A Pilot Study, Advances Skin Wound Care 30(1), 27-34. (SCI/SSCI,奇美研究計畫-運用燕麥乳液改善標靶病人皮膚問題之成效)
施孟綾、柯雅婷、林淑媛(2015) 控制觀之概念分析. 長庚護理26(1)23-28
Ya-Ting, Ke & Min-Tao, Hsu(2015) An Exploration of Nursing Preceptorship and Functions and Nurses’ Intention to Stay from the Perspective of Cultural Differences, Nurse Education Today 35, 597-601(SSCI,奇美研究計畫-新進護理人員現實休克經驗描述及對留任的影響)
柯雅婷、王秀紅、周汎澔 (2014)從後現代主義反思新手護理師之留任高雄護理雜誌,31(1)30-38
柯雅婷、楊美賞 (2007)重症加護病房病患之倫理決策模式安寧療護,12(2)198-206
競 賽 獲 獎
2019.11.17108年度OSCE優良教案競賽-非醫師職類第三名  台灣醫學教育學會
2019.10.092019「考科藍證據改變我生活之故事」徵文比賽-銀獎臺北醫學大學考科藍臺灣研究中心(Cochrane Taiwan)
其 他 事 項